How Long Is a Roof Designed to Last?

How Long Is a Roof Designed to Last?

A well-maintained roof often lasts longer than its designed lifespan, barring catastrophic accidents. Using the correct type of roof and roofing materials for your area will enable it to withstand typical winds and storms without damage. The factors influencing a roof’s lifespan are design, materials and maintenance. It also contributes to the roof requirements for homeowner’s insurance.

Choose The Right Roofing Materials for a Lasting Roof

Commercial roofing materials conform to quality standards, and they’re manufactured to last from 20 years to several centuries. It’s always best to stick with what’s already used when replacing the roof or using a different material that is an equal replacement. The house was designed with a particular shape of roof for a reason and roofing materials that deliver maximum benefits. Otherwise, consult with a reputable roofing contractor about the possibility of change and its impact on the house.

How long is a roof designed to last?

  • Wood shingles typically last up to 30 years and create an authentically attractive roof. However, it is a high-maintenance roof and very susceptible to mildew, rot and insects. Wood shingles are only suitable in temperate climates.
  • Asphalt shingles are available in various thicknesses and designs and will last between 30 to 50 years if an experienced roofer installs quality materials. Asphalt is the most versatile roofing material on the market and comes at a reasonable price point per square foot.
  • Slate tiles are rocks sliced thin enough to use on your roof. It is a natural, hard-wearing product with a potential lifespan of thousands of years. The drawback of slate tiles is their high cost and the need for a stronger roof design.
  • Composite shingles are made from plastic and other recycled materials. It’s a durable alternative to wood, asphalt and slate shingles, which it accurately mimics, and its lifespan is up to 50 years.
  • Clay tiles are the traditional roofing material popular in hot climates. It’s a heavy material requiring a strong roof, but its thermal properties are well worth the additional cost, especially since clay tiles are low maintenance. Clay tiles and similar concrete tiles will last several centuries.
  • Metal sheets are an excellent option for a durable roof. The life expectancy of a metal roof is linked to the thickness of the metal sheets, which also affects its installation cost, and ranges from 20 to over 50 years.

How Your Choice of Roof Affects Your Home Insurance

How roofing material and shape affect your home insurance policy is not something owners readily consider when choosing to replace an existing roof. You should because insurance companies analyze all aspects of your home for itemized insurance coverage.

  • A new roof will have a lower insurance rate than an older roof, with quite a few companies refusing to insure a roof nearing its projected end-of-life as determined by the material manufacturer.
  • A slate roof is considered the best by insurance companies, with a wood shingle roof commanding premium rates due to its high fire risk. The best middle-of-the-road option for most insurance companies is a metal roof because it is fire-resistant and can withstand strong winds.
  • Maintenance is the key to lower roof insurance rates, including regular inspections (and certificates) by a reputable roofing company. This ensures that the roof remains in tip-top shape throughout its lifetime and is replaced when it reaches a specified condition.

About DB3 Roofing

We work closely with insurance companies when repairing a damaged roof. This exposure places us in the ideal position to recommend the best roof requirements for homeowner’s insurance.

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